The HUMAN’18 program includes sessions jointly organized with the Narrative and Hypertext Workshop (NHT’18), in particular the unconference and the concluding plenary discussion in the afternoon.
The HUMAN’18 proceedings can be found at the ACM Digital Library:
- 8:45–9:00 HUMAN/NHT organizers’ welcome
- 9:00–10:00 HUMAN session 1: invited talks
- 9:00–9:30 Belinda Barnet: Boosting Human Capability (presentation live from Melbourne, Australia); see the pre-recorded talk on YouTube (presentation slides)
- 9:30–10:00 Catherine Plaisant: Lessons Learned from Early Hypertext Research at the University of Maryland (presentation slides)
- 10:00–10:30 Coffee break
- 10:30–11:50 HUMAN session 2
- 10:30–10:50 Nicola Di Matteo: Navigating Data Over Time (short paper)
- 10:50–11:20 Daniel Roßner, Claus Atzenbeck: Spatial Hypertext for End-User Development Tools
- 11:20–11:50 Jessica Rubart: Multimodal Interaction with Hypermedia Structures
- 11:50–13:30 Lunch
- 13:30–14:30 [ NHT paper session ]
- 14:30–15:30 Combined HUMAN/NHT unconference
- 15:30–16:00 Coffee break
- 16:00–17:00 Combined HUMAN/NHT concluding plenary discussion and close