All papers must be original and may not be published, submitted, and/or currently under review elsewhere. Each submission will be peer reviewed in a double-blind manner. For information regarding the topics see the Call for Papers.

Short papers:
max. 8 pages (single-column), incl. references
Full papers:
max. 15 pages (single-column), incl. references

Papers must follow the new workflow for ACM publications as single-column and submitted in PDF format. Templates are available in the following. Using LaTeX is highly recommended to minimize the extent of reformatting.

Download template for LaTeX:
Open template in Overleaf, an online LaTeX editor:
For LaTeX (incl. Overleaf) use the following line in the “sample-authordraft.tex” file: \documentclass[manuscript,review,anonymous]{acmart}
Download template for MS Word:

Submissions must be uploaded via EasyChair (HT’21) no later than July 23, 2021 AoE:

Authors are asked to present their papers at the workshop. All accepted and at the workshop presented papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.